Monday, July 16, 2012

Graphic Color

[top: Zara (graphic tees herehere, and here), shorts: American Eagle (similar), vest: American Eagle (similar), sandals (the splurge: here & the bargain: here), necklace: Ann Taylor, sunglasses: Francesca's (similar), light blue bracelet: Dry Goods (similar), earrings: Macy's (similar)]

This is a look that I love. It's very casual, which I think is great, and it has tons of color and unique elements that really pop and make it interesting. I was able to find two pieces of jewelry (necklace & bracelet) that match perfectly with the blue color in the shirt; I love when that happens! And I matched my eyeshadow with the purple in my shirt as well. I would have to say that my three favorite things about this outfit are the necklace, the vest, and the sunglasses. For me, without these key elements the look would not be the same. The lesson: accessories can and do make a huge difference (there'll be a separate post dedicated to accessory versatility later), but remember that accessories are your friend! 

The fringe on the shorts provide just enough edge and this graphic tee is the best one I've seen in a while; it's light and colorful and displays a real photographic image. The great thing about graphic tees is how versatile, comfortable, and statement-worthy they can be. However, people also forget just how stylish they can become when paired with the right accessories. Building an outfit around your tee is a great way to make it really shine, and doing that is simpler than one may think. In my case, I added accessories that match the blue in my shirt and did my makeup to match with certain colors in my tee as well. I also added a flowy vest, but a jean jacket, jean vest, leather jacket, or cardigan (anything of that nature would work as well). Add your own personal touch and colors and don't forget to accessorize! 


  1. Hi there :)
    Thanks for your comment on my blog!
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    (and I'm your first follower, following via Bloglovin'!)
    Amy x

  2. I think your blog is so cool! And yes I would totally love that! I actually already started following you earlier today under my Google account Kathleen Harper. I'll follow you via Bloglovin as well and thank you for being my very 1st follower haha!
